The Oil Conference was birthed by Pastor Charlena in March 2015 and is held annually at the beginning of June. The purpose and vision of this conference is to empower and ignite a passion in the people of God to progress from at most, praise and preaching in the church, to allowing the oil of God to engage and flow through their gifts, callings and anointing with an understanding that we are multi-faceted and must integrate our capabilities into the world and become productive citizens, not solely in the kingdom but for the kingdom. Pastor Charlena believes that each attendee will leave this conference challenged, charged, changed, thoroughly equipped and in every part whole.
CONTACT Charlena Croutch Ministries Mailing Address: P.O. Box 495 Church Address: 15 Henry Street Roosevelt, New York 11575 Min. Constance Rodney, Assistant (516) 451-2273